Tarot forecast for August 15-21: women’s rituals for all signs of the Zodiac

Tarot forecast for August 15-21

Tarot forecast for August 15-21

Tarot forecast for August 15-21

The role of Ukrainian women in today’s military realities is unprecedented. On the battlefield or in the rear – each in its place carries the mission of protection and assistance. Taking care of others, one often forgets about oneself, and this gradually exhausts both mentally and physically.

The new Tarot Forecast by tarologist Kateryna Pylypenko draws the attention of modern Ukrainian women to the need for daily self-care through various rituals and practices. Because by taking care of yourself, you preserve your microuniverse and have a positive effect on the universe as a whole. And bring our Victory closer!

Tarot forecast for August 8-14: the harvest month will bring success to some signs - 2 - image

Tarologist and energy therapist Kateryna Pylypenko

Aries (Two of Cups)

This week, Aries can immerse themselves in emotional adventures, feel in love or madly infatuated. In order to direct their energy correctly, it is important for active Aries Women to master the art of affirmations – positive intentions that you want to bring into this world. It can be feelings that you feel that make you stronger. And there may be wishes and dreams that you have been longing for for a long time. Make morning affirmations that set the mood for the whole day your habit.

Taurus (Ten of Cups)

Tauruses can only be a little jealous, because the Ten of Cups is the embodiment of spiritual aspirations and dreams that finally come true. Be sure that something will happen this week that will give you a sense of happiness and harmony. For women of this earth sign, it is important to see clear confirmation of their beauty. A beautiful manicure, a new hairstyle or a good make-up will definitely improve your worldview and increase your self-esteem.

Gemini (Seven of Swords)

Gemini can’t relax just yet, because the card hints at certain intrigues and deception (or self-deception) that can upset the balance in your life this week. However, the advice does not apply to this week, but in general. Representatives of this intellectual sign should simply change the focus of attention from time to time from disturbing news to an exciting series or a romance with non-trivial twists. It is not necessary to live in a different reality, but it is sometimes very useful to look into it.

Cancer (Seven of Cups)

Attractive offers, interesting options for ideas – this is what Cancers may encounter in the near future. However, do not rush to answer, take a break to understand where the illusion is, and where the real opportunities are for you. Rituals with water are definitely suitable for a water sign. For example, a ritual bath will help to get rid of negativity and balance energy. To do this, add salt, essential oils, herbs to the water. Water will take away sadness and tension, and you will feel inner peace and love for yourself.

Leo (Six of Pentacles)

Help will be expected from the Lions. Do not refuse, do good deeds and later it will return to you in a larger size. For women of this sun sign, creative activity will be the best form of self-care. Try making jewelry, ceramics, painting, collage, and more. The process of creating something creative and beautiful will help you get rid of all disappointments and irritations, free you from emotional tension.

Virgo (Four of Cups)

Virgos risk falling, if not into depression, then definitely into melancholy. Emotional exhaustion will show itself, so it is better to prevent it in time. As? It is important for Virgo women to talk about their experiences, anxieties, to give vent to their emotions, and not to delve into their thoughts and remain alone with them. A meeting with a close friend or a psychologist, that is, a person who will listen, understand and support, will be a very good decision. Another way out will be singing a favorite song that fully conveys your emotions.

Tarot forecast for August 15-21

Tarot forecast for August 15-21
Libra (Ace of Swords)

Libras may suddenly have an insight into a simple solution to a complex problem that has been bothering them for some time. As for self-care, it is important for Libra women to keep a diary in order to restore their inner balance. Sometimes written observations and debriefings are all you need to reset your psyche, boost your positivity, and boost your self-belief. Also, pay attention to the gratitude diary, because we often notice the negativity around us, and neutralize the positive. Just such a diary will highlight the amazing moments of life and restore balance in the sense of good and evil.

Scorpio (World)

Scorpios may soon experience unity with the universe, happiness and harmony. The card can also mean a bright trip abroad. For sensitive Scorpio women, it is important to be in an energetically positive and clean space. This can be achieved with the help of herbs, essential oils, palo santo sticks, etc. Everything that smokes and gives off an aroma, cleans the space around and has a positive effect on you.

Sagittarius (Star)

Sagittarians are on the right track and they will soon receive confirmation of this. Do not doubt yourself, trust yourself and the Star that guides you forward. Sagittarius women should pay attention to physical practices, particularly dancing, to stabilize their fiery energy. Listen to your body – where do you feel the most tension? The type of dance you need will depend on this. For example, if the tension is felt in the hips, belly dance will help reveal the emotional flow, sensuality and creative potential.

Capricorn (Two of Wands)

New plans and certain perspectives will open up to Capricorns this week. Act boldly and do not doubt your capabilities. However, do not forget about rest at any stage of your activity. After all, it is precisely the rituals of quality rest and relaxation that are important for Capricorn Women. Keep one thing in mind – a day off for rest and no other way. A deep quality sleep, a coffee or tea ritual in the morning, a pleasant reading or watching a favorite movie, a quiet walk in nature. All this is not in a hurry, but relaxed, restoring your strength and taking care of yourself.

Aquarius (Three of Wands)

Aquarians can finally see good prospects in a certain direction and work hard on it. Show will and persistence. For women of this air sign, it is important to pay attention to the body and spirit. Yoga will help with this. You will use the time in this or that asana perfectly to reconnect with yourself on a deeper level. Yoga will allow you to focus on the present moment without being distracted.

Pisces (Six of Cups)

This week, Pisces may feel the need for support. It is worth turning to old friends or relatives and showing gratitude for this. For sensual representatives of the water sign Pisces, an evening ritual before going to bed is important for complete relaxation and rest. You can drink soothing tea with lemon balm, spread lavender near the bed, and turn off all gadgets 30 minutes before rest. Such a ritual will give you pleasant dreams and energize you for the next day.

Tarologist and energy therapist Kateryna Pylypenko

Contacts: www.instagram.com/katrin_pilipenko_tarot


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