The most popular female and male names in Ukraine: statistics

The most popular female and male names in Ukraine: statistics - 1 - изображение

The most popular female and male names in Ukraine

In 2022, 195 thousand little Ukrainians were born. Boys and girls are born almost equally: 51.5% boys and 48.5% girls. This was reported by the Ministry of Justice. What are the most popular female and male names in Ukraine? 
In the second half of 2022, the most popular female names that Ukrainians called their babies were: Anna, Anastasia, Veronika, Sofia, Alexandra, Maria, Victoria, Milana, Solomiya, Varvara, Eva.
Other female names include Mriya, Luna, Avital-Azalina, Meryela, Sladislava, Kvita, Ulpana, Mantikora, Nikoloz, Rusalina, Junia, Javelina.
The most common male names are:
Artem, Dmitry, Ivan, Maxim, Mikhail, Daniel, Vladislav, Alexander, Andrey.
Among the rare and unusual male names: Iskander, Volislav, Mars, Veleslav, Achilles, Sarmat, Svitozar, Nimrod, Kalep, Lars, Sarkis, Stylian, Hugo, Nicodemus, Nectarius.

Photo: Pexel


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