Valid Arfush tells how he taught his youngest son to do yoga

Valid Arfush tells how he taught his youngest son to do yoga - 1 - изображение

On Children’s Day, international television manager and father of many children Valid Arfush appeared on the air of the Good Evening program on KYIV.LIVE TV channel. He shared his life hacks for parenting. In particular, he revealed the secret of how he managed to get his youngest son, 9-year-old Adam, involved in yoga. After all, at this age, boys are usually interested in more active sports, such as football or swimming.

“You need to be unobtrusive, – Valid Arfush explained the main secret of raising his five children on KYIV.LIVE. When Adam sits and plays Minecraft, I don’t touch him. I decided a long time ago not to fight against gadgets, because I use them myself, both for work and for my soul, watching TV shows and movies … When I had my first conversation with him about yoga, he said: “I’m not ready”. And this is normal for a five-year-old child. Then, when we were on vacation, he told me himself: “Dad, come on, I’m ready to do yoga. This is in my plans. I also want to learn to swim better.” And he really started practicing. It turns out that any message needs to be voiced. Just say what we want. We don’t always like the child’s reaction, it doesn’t always suit us. But this does not mean that she did not hear us. We just need to give her time to come to terms with what we are asking for.”

A father with many children often thanks his children:

“Over time, I realized that we don’t give children something, but they give us much more. And I am grateful to them for that. Over the years, I have more time to study and communicate with children. And I realize that I am very lucky that my fate is connected with 5 people. And I realize that my Adele, who is five years old, is just as much a complete person as my eldest son Karim, who is 25. We, as parents, also need to learn to listen and hear children from a very young age. I am sure that every child knows what they need.”

Watch the program “Good Evening with Tatiana Goncharova” on weekdays from 19:30 on KYIV.LIVE.

Photo: KYIV.LIVE press service

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