Leon, a boy from Irpin, performed the hit of the band “Antitela”

Boy Leon personal archiveLeon Busha, a little boy from Irpin, became known throughout the country for his performance of the song “Oh, in the meadow there is a red viburnum” back in April last year. Then he impressed the whole world with his performance. Now Leon has touched the network with his singing again. He sang a hit by the Antibodies band about Bakhmut. 

The child’s father shared a touching video of his son on his social media. 

“Bakhmut Fortress.

Bakhmut fortress,
All our prayers are here!
And a hearts of steel Spirit,
And the Heroes of the indomitable Kruty
We are given strength from heaven,
Will, fire and fury!
The walls are burning in battle,
Mom, I’m standing up!
Mom, I’m in the ranks!
Nene, I’m fighting!
I will destroy it and come back!

Now there will be a base…
We turn off the pain, the old grievances,
Here’s my shoulder, I’m here, brother!
There she is, sticking her head in front of me…
Here it comes from the flank, a new phase,
We work calmly! As we were taught.
Our tomorrow is there, behind our backs!
And our children, parents, and families are there,
And the brothers who died “on the shield”,
Also behind our backs!
Let the rat jump into a corner,
And our route is burning with fire,
So there is work for our hands
Here! Here!


It’s about to get dark,
And the bloody demon will fall in agony,
So we fought for a reason!
So we pressed so hard!
So everything is according to plan, then morning,
And with it Victory!
In conclusion, I will say only one thing:
It is not a sin to be afraid!
It is a sin to betray your own!


Words: Taras Topolya @tarastopolia
Music: Taras Topolya, Serhiy Vusyk
He does: Leo Bush 🙂.

Together we are all a fortress,” he wrote. 


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A post from Busha Sasha (@busha_sasha)

Author: Daria Skotchenko

Photo: personal archive

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