Irina Bilyk: “I’ve fallen in love several times, and it was always the most powerful feeling.
Irina Bilyk
in 2015 became the first heroine of the cover of Woman magazine. Much has changed since then, both in Irina’s life and in our publication. Today we present the first digital cover, the heroine of which is someone who is not afraid to experiment, to impress and to outrage. She’s 50 years old, which means a new, even more exciting stage in the singer’s life. Irina Bilyk – mother of two sons, wife and performer – in a frank interview for Woman Magazine talked about her attitude to ageism, methods of raising children and creativity.
Irina, you were the first cover heroine for the print magazine Woman, and today you are the first to grace the digital cover. Were any of your beginnings in life difficult for you? Is it difficult to take the first steps toward your dreams?
I love every day that I live. And if I were asked if I wanted to cross a particular day or event out of my life, I would say no. Everything that happened to me before today, before my beautiful anniversary, I am happy to take with me into my future life, because my life looks very full, very interesting! Lots of friends, lots of fans, lots of gifts, lots of love! Of course, if you put an equal sign, there will also be a lot of disappointment, a lot of tears, a lot of pain and difficulty. But that’s the real life I write about in my songs, so I love it all!
I was born on April 6, and the motto of this day: experimentation. I learned about this in a very famous and interesting book. In fact, I really like to experiment with musicians, with programs, with cooking, with writing new songs. Of course, these experiments do not always end successfully in my life, but these are the real lessons I had to take in order to achieve my dreams. And my dream has always been a stage where I would sing the songs I mostly write myself and please my wonderful audience.
You are turning 50 years old. Many people analyze the stages they have passed. Were you immersed in your reflections?
It seems to me that many artists have undeservedly retired very early and could still please everyone with their work. For example, Pavel Zibrov could impress his viewers with new youth trends, record interesting dance songs, and sometimes goof off on the air. Not to be too grown up. And I think that’s the problem with Ukrainian music – there are a lot of young performers and no such wonderful and fun veterans of the scene. I always enjoy hearing about the lives, successes and disappointments of great legends, so I would like artists over 60 to be popular in our country as well. And the fact that they are sometimes undeservedly forgotten is unfair.
How do you feel about ageism? Do you think there is such a problem in Ukraine? What do I have to do to fix it?
What should I do? Artists should just come out and say, “Yeah, I’m 50, 60, 70, but I’m fun, I’m happy, I’m doing great, I have a great family! Look how I live, I don’t hide my everyday life. And maybe then it would really be interesting to invite such artists to the programs. But, unfortunately, we have very few programs in which an artist can reveal himself. There are only a few where a person can say what he wants about himself. So I would suggest making even more music-information programs for people. There are fewer political ones. And then we would have some kind of balance.
Three years ago in an interview for Woman, you talked about the creative work of your son Gleb. Is the youngest already showing a love for something?
I have two beautiful sons. The difference between them is 16 years, but that does not stop them from being interested in each other and having a good time. Gleb is also engaged in creative work, helping the wonderful writer Nicholas Dimitrov, author of the acclaimed bestseller “The Reality Dealer,” in writing new books and in advertising and promoting them. My youngest recently welcomed me into his company, into his brigade of non-evil people. He said that in his company must be necessarily not evil people – this is the most important condition. I said yes – and now I’m a member of his team.
Are you a strict mom? What qualities would you like to bring up in Tabriz?
I’m a strict mom, of course. Because boys should be brought up strictly so that when he turns 20 years old, he really achieved something in life. But Tabriz is so cute, so whenever I want to punish him, I have to go to a lot of trouble to do it. Because he looks like the cat from the cartoon “Shrek.
Family values are very important to you. Share your family traditions. How do you spend your leisure time, meet the holidays?
When we go out, we have very little time to go out and relax. We work a lot with Aslan, and when he comes to Kiev, we have time to do a photo shoot, shoot a clip, prepare something else interesting for the audience. And, of course, there is very little time left to just sit at home. We all love to get together: the youngest generation, the middle generation, a little older, and, of course, our grandmother. We remember with fondness the arrival of our grandfather from Baku. Unfortunately, it was only once. But we are going to visit Azerbaijan.
How to make sure that feelings over the years have not faded, but only grew stronger? Are you feeling the peak of love right now?
I think if a person has a feeling of love inside – it will always be there. I fell in love several times, and it was always the strongest feeling. I can’t say that any of my hobbies were the brightest. Really, I can’t even choose which was the brightest, most festive, most memorable. I remember everything with great warmth, with great gratitude. And with Aslan, of course, I feel great creatively right now. Because we’re both such people, and my creativity has crossed over to some new stage. We always have something to talk about. But there are no scandals, no stormy passions in our family right now. Everything is always quiet and comfortable. That’s the way it’s supposed to be. And I wish this wonderful state to all female readers.
Are you a homebody? What do you like to do at home? What is the perfect vacation for you?
We’re in quarantine now, and I can tell you that yes, we are a homebody. I’m looking forward to my other 30 concerts that are already sold out. I’m shifting my costumes and imagining how I’m going to tour next, how people are going to come, what full halls are going to be, how everyone is going to applaud. But I confess to enjoying this quarantine time at home for now, because I can just relax and be with my family. This is something I have dreamed about for many, many years. Just to be alone. I think that energetically I will pick myself up, and when the quarantine is over, I will be able to sing and dance beautifully and work beautifully in my new anniversary show. Come, I’ll be waiting for everyone! Concerts are postponed, but by no means cancelled!
Do you think success leads to happiness or happiness to success? What would you say is the happiest moment of your life?
I think happiness leads to success. And happiness is the state that elevates you above everyone and everything. Then you can create more consciously, be more attentive to yourself and thereby show others: take my example! Look how confident I am, how wise I am, how beautiful I am! When a person is not happy, it all affects the creativity. I used to be often seen upset, sometimes crying. But I feel like that time is forever over in my life. And I want to wish everyone that you never cry. Perhaps only by listening to my songs. But everyone in the audience is always happy at the concert, because now my show has more fun and upbeat songs.
Tell us about your plans in creativity. What do you plan to do after the anniversary tour is over?
The jubilee tour will last up to six months. Because it won’t just be Ukraine. We also planned to visit Israel and America. It is possible that because of a new virus that has appeared on the planet, foreign tours may be canceled. But I always thank all my viewers. I love the audience in America, Canada, London, where I have performed many times. I want to tell you that I will definitely come to you, we will definitely meet!
After the tour, I will be, as I am doing this interview and sitting in quarantine now, enjoying life with my girlfriends, friends and loved ones. To be in Odessa in my apartment by the sea, sunbathing and socializing with my beautiful children, kissing my mommy and writing new songs.
Photo: press service