Ukrainian celebrities support blood donors
On May 29, 2023, at the initiative of the Kyiv Multidisciplinary Medical and Diagnostic Center “Mirum”, a blood donor campaign “I Share Blood, Faith, Love” On May 29, 2023, at the initiative of the Kyiv Multidisciplinary Medical and Diagnostic Center “Mirum”, a blood donor campaign. The initiative was supported by the Azov Angels Patronage Service Charitable Foundation and the RAZOM V FUTURE UA Charitable Foundation, a social project of DonorUA. The blood drive was conducted by for military and civilian patients of the Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery. The initiative was supported by celebrities such as Anna Dobrydneva, Vlad Darwin and Arthur Bossauds. The artists urged everyone to join the donation and encourage their friends and family by their own example.
“Donating blood is another way to bring our victory closer. One donation can save three lives – the lives of three fantastic fighters who have kept us alive!” – saidAnna Dobrydneva
Vlad Darvin emphasized the importance of careful preparation for blood donation:
“Donation is a responsible procedure, so you should follow the rules of preparation and nutrition before donating blood. Because blood disposal is more expensive than blood collection.”
“Blood donation – – is our social and civic responsibility. In addition to saving people’s lives, it is also an opportunity to renew and improve your body,” he added. Arthur Bosso.
The culture of blood donation in Ukraine is being formed at an accelerated pace due to the war. Campaigns such as “Sharing Blood, Faith, Love” save the lives of dozens of military and civilians and inspire others to join in.
“This is our first initiative to attract blood donors. We do this with the support of DonorUa for the blood transfusion center at the Amosov Institute of Cardiac Surgery. In the future, we plan to organize such campaigns on a regular basis. There is already a preliminary agreement for August with other blood donation centers and the Charitable Foundation “Azov Patronage Service “YANGOLY AZOVU” and the charitable foundation “TOGETHER INTO THE FUTURE of Ukraine”, said Andriy Masyk, medical director of the Mirum clinic.
It’s been exactly a year since the Mirum clinic has been accepting for rehabilitation and providing medical care to the heroes of today, who are under the care of the Charitable Foundation “Azov Angels”.
“We are grateful for the opportunity to communicate and help the best people of the country! This is our social responsibility and an opportunity to contribute to the Victory!”- summarizes Natalia Popova, Director of MIRUM LLC.
“Together for the Future UA Charitable Foundation and Mirum Clinic are supporting the wounded soldiers of the NGU, Azov Air Assault Force and the 3rd Brigade in every way possible.
Photo: press service