Katya Tin: “I train every day and I don’t give myself any rests!”

Katya Tin: I train every day and I don't give myself any rests! - 1 - изображение

An exclusive interview for Woman Magazine was given by Katya Tin, a trainer who has helped a lot of girls get rid of extra pounds and complexes. Katya talked about healthy habits in her family, advised on how to find motivation for workouts, and – shared tips for losing weight quickly and properly.

Katya, “Coach for the Lazy,” why exactly do you call yourself that? In what ways is your approach different from others?

My methodology is to go from simple to complex, not the other way around. I’m looking for the simplest approach possible, which is built around fairly rudimentary exercises, but for people with no training, very effective. And so we move from simple to complex.

If it’s no secret, what are your main recommendations for those who want to lose weight: what in lifestyle and diet should be changed?

I always make these basic recommendations:

  1. Spacing your meals: avoid snacking, make your meals as balanced as possible.
  2. Consistency in training: do not emphasize the length of the workout, let it be short, but in the number of them will be more and constantly.
  3. Food combinations: I do not recommend eating complex carbohydrates and animal proteins (e.g., buckwheat with meat, pasta with seafood, and so on). Such a diet is detrimental to weight loss.Katya Tin: I train every day and I don't give myself any rests! - 2 - изображение

Have you had any problems with being overweight yourself? What was the path to sports in general, and coaching in particular?

I didn’t have a problem with being overweight, I had a problem with eating erratically. I have had malformed eating behaviors since I was a child. My understanding of joy at the time was always large amounts of sweets and food. I suffered from this when I started my coaching career. My path to the sport began at the age of 18. I am from Cherkassy, went to train to Nazarenko Stanislav Yurievich on LFC. He was a very good coach, and once said I could be a very good instructor.

So I rented a gym from my trainer and started training everyone I knew. After a month and a half, I realized that two of my weekends were scheduled from 07:00 to 21:00 with personal training. I quit my other job and started full time coaching. After 6 months of titanic work with a schedule of 15 hours of training per day, I moved to my own small rented gym in the shopping center Khreshchatyk City, where I soon rented a large area, opened a studio, and, later, opened a studio in Kiev.

But everything was changed by quarantine when I made the decision to transform – I closed my studios and went completely online. I’m very happy with that decision now – it allowed me to work with even more people from all over the world, whereas in my offline business I was limited to the physical walls of the gym.

How often do you exercise, are there favorite exercises and those you do through “don’t want to”?

I work out daily, leading workouts in my online gym for thousands of people from all over the world. Exercise that I would do through “don’t want to” I don’t have. I passed that stage a long time ago. And now I really love, in principle, sports and my feelings during workouts, after them, and I find myself depending on physical activity.

Katya Tin: I train every day and I don't give myself any rests! - 3 - изображение

Do you give yourself a break from sports every now and then? If so, how much prolonged?

There have only been two breaks in my conscious athletic life, which were due to my maternity leave. My first maternity leave was three weeks, my second was a week. I train every day and don’t give myself any time off – it’s part of my life.

What nutritional principles do you follow yourself and what do you mainly recommend to your clients?

I promote a proper and balanced diet. For myself, I choose to minimize complex carbs, I have a particular sensitivity to them. My diet is dominated by high-protein and high-fat foods, especially lots of vegetables. I advocate the same for my clients: first of all, determine your metabolic type, only then focus on allowed and forbidden foods when creating a balanced diet.

Katya Tin: I train every day and I don't give myself any rests! - 4 - изображение

Katya, is your spouse involved in sports, does he/she support your endeavors and ideas? How important do you think it is for a relationship for a man and woman to have similar principles and lifestyles?

My husband is active in sports with me. Not only does he support my endeavors in the profession, but we are business partners, he is the brand strategist for Katya Tin. We are inevitably hooked on our common idea and business.

I think it’s very important that the interests of the man and the woman coincide. If they share different life principles, it seems to me that they would basically be uncomfortable being together. It is very important to me that in a couple, everyone builds equal spiritual and material components. They can then build a strong and lasting relationship.

Katya Tin: I train every day and I don't give myself any rests! - 5 - изображение

Are you already teaching your daughter to exercise and eat right? Your advice to parents – how do you instill healthy habits in your kids?

My kids eat whatever we have at home, which is always anything healthy. But it’s not without something sweet slipping into my kids’ diets. I’m cool about it, but most of the time I try to make my own sweets. The most important advice to parents is to be an example to their children. Do what you want your children to do and they will copy you.

Katya Tin: I train every day and I don't give myself any rests! - 6 - изображение

How do you take care of yourself and keep in shape, besides sports and nutrition: salon treatments, home care?

I systematically visit beauty salons. It’s a beautician twice a month, manicure, pedicure. Massage is a must – 2-3 times a week. At home, I make sure to moisturize my skin and scrub once a week. And most importantly, it’s my contrast shower – dousing myself with ice water twice a day. This year I took a dip in the ice-hole for the first time on Epiphany, and now I have decided with my husband to do it on a regular basis once a week. It has a very good effect on skin tone.

Who in your understanding is a beautiful girl, and when did you come to realize that you are one?

This is not a girl who has a certain weight or parameters. This is the girl who, first and foremost, loves herself. When you see her, she is confident: it’s her gait, her gaze, her facial expressions, and her demeanor.

The most important thing for a woman is that when she is passionate about something, takes an active life position, it colors her very much. And the spiritual component is very important to me, without it, beauty is impossible. I always knew I was beautiful. This love for myself was instilled in me by my parents. There has always been trust in my family, no matter what mistakes I’ve made. We have a very warm relationship built on love.

Author: Tatyana Zaitseva

Photo: provided by the heroine

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