Santa Dimopoulos: «I try to get rid of my fear»
Trendsetter, businesswoman, world fitness champion, and happy mother and wife. It’s all about the heroine of our October digital cover Sante Dimopoulos. Just a year ago, this smiling girl shared the happy news with her fans – the birth of her second child. And today she is already shining on the floor of the project “Dancing with the Stars,” impressing the audience with her physical shape, flexibility and technique. We met with Santa in between rehearsals and asked her about her motivation for the project, her family and raising children, as well as her eco-business and future creative plans.
Santa, after your maternity leave you loudly returned to the Ukrainian media space, successfully debuting on Dancing with the Stars. How do you feel in your new role?
I’ve loved this show for a long time, and I’m very happy to be a part of it. Besides, dancing is my passion. I love to dance, to reveal myself in movement, on stage. And one more thing: participation in this project is a challenge to yourself. In the shortest time possible to get in shape after childbirth, mobilize my inner resources and get back on track – this is a great challenge that I’m going through right now.
It is known that you were engaged in dancing as a child and later became a world champion in fitness. Does this sports experience help you in your training now?
When I was a kid I did a lot of things, including dancing. However, I haven’t been on the parquet for about 20 years, so I can’t say that dancing is easy for me.
Sports have taught me a simple rule: behind any achievement there is hard work, regimen, and daily work. All of these things combine to produce results. Not a miracle. And Dancing with the Stars reminded me of that.
How busy is your schedule? Do you manage to devote time to your husband, your son, your little daughter?
My day is now scheduled by the minutes, a very tight schedule of training and preparation for live broadcasts. Of course, I miss being with my family and loved ones. But I try to keep some of our rules the same, even with shows and schedules. For example, breakfast: no matter what happens, I spend this time with my family. I also have time at the end of the day for the kids.
Sofia recently turned one year old. How did you celebrate the day?
We had a warm family holiday with our nearest and dearest. I’m very happy that it turned out that way. Sophia is an amazing girl, she changed my life.
They say it’s harder to be a girl’s mom than a boy’s? Can you feel the difference?
So far, I feel only endless love and pleasure to have this magical girl in my life. She is very kind and open-minded. Children teach us unconditional love. And I’m very grateful to the Universe for taking this class for the second time.
What qualities do you want to bring up in children?
I want to raise them to believe in themselves and their strength, to love themselves, to be open to the world. I can’t say that I have any special parenting secrets. I am of the opinion that everything should be shown by example. And I try to do that. And love, of course. This is the most important thing we can give our children.
How do you like to spend your free time with your family? Do you have your own traditions?
We like to watch interesting movies together, play board games, cook, make dinners with friends, and travel. I would say we have classic family traditions: we decorate the house for themed holidays and make presents for each other, we decorate the tree together with Daniel on New Year’s Day, and I bake cakes for Easter.
You and your husband have been together for almost eight years. How have you managed to maintain the spark in your relationship over the years?
A relationship is a constant exchange of energy between two people. You have to be able to give and be able to receive, be a resource for that. It is impossible to be interesting to another person without developing and being uninterested in yourself. So I am constantly trying to move forward: to develop and fill myself, to get rid of fears and everything that does not allow me to grow.
Our relationship is an exchange between two very strong people based on love, trust and mutual respect.
You always look very stylish and respectable. Do you wear the same makeup at home, dress up in front of your husband?
I rest at home. For me, the most important thing is grooming and comfort.
Seven years ago you opened the Gold Vintage Concept Store. Are you satisfied with your project now?
I love vintage and things with history. I was the first in Ukraine to bring here the idea of secondary consumption and to start developing this direction. Year after year, the business has moved forward, and has now grown appreciably. It’s my favorite kid, and I’m very happy that we’re developing. Recycling is environmentally friendly and conscious, a good contribution to the future. I wish we could talk about it more and put it into practice.
Did the quarantine affect your business?
Of course. Most businesses have felt the difficulties due to the current world situation. But we managed to adapt to the new reality.
What other projects are you involved in?
Another important and favorite project of mine is WellnessBar Vitamin Drops; it’s a relatively new endeavor, but I really love it. Vitamin drips are my go-to for all stressful periods of life, and not only. For example, in the super busy schedule of Dancing with the Stars, I just don’t know how I would have survived without them. They give a quick recovery and fill the body with energy.
Several years ago, in an interview for our magazine, you talked about your charitable activities, in particular the “Live Well” project for orphans. Does it exist now?
Charity is something I do all the time. And it was a project of my soul. It’s been temporarily suspended now, but after “Dancing” and the pandemic I intend to resume it.
Do you have plans to continue your singing career, to return to the stage?
Right now my main plan is to enjoy the Dancing with the Stars project and… survive (smiles). I don’t like to make any predictions, I don’t want to put limits on myself – it’s going to be like this or that. I know for a fact that creativity is part of my life, and it’s not going anywhere.
Santa, you are always very smiling and full of optimism. Share your secret, what helps you always stay positive?
It helps me to accept myself, to love myself, to have an inner resource that I prefer to fill with love and gratitude. No matter what happens, it’s important to remember that there is always a reason to smile and be optimistic. You just have to find it, and that only depends on your angle of vision.
Eugenia Vlasenko
Photo: from personal archive, 1+1 press service